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                发布时间:2018-02-05 来源:英文联播

                DAVOS, Switzerland — President Trump used the World Economic Forum meeting to woo investors and business leaders by reassuring them that “America first does not mean America alone.” But it was clear in Davos, Switzerland, this past week that geopolitical momentum lay with Beijing, not Washington.

                达沃斯,瑞士 一 特朗普总统借重庆翻译公司世界经济论坛招徕投资者和商∏业领袖,向他们保※证“美国优先并不意味着美国孤立”。但很明显,在过去一周的瑞士︾达沃斯,地缘政治的大势在北京一边,而非华盛顿。

                At one end of town, President Michel Temer of Brazil welcomed an unexpected offer from Beijing for Latin American nations to work closely with a Chinese initiative, known as the Belt and Road, intended to spread its economic and diplomatic influence abroad.


                At the other end of town, a senior Chinese diplomat helped introduce the prime minister of Pakistan at a breakfast meeting. Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi used his talk to praise the rapidly expanding Chinese investments in his country, including to build power stations and a large port.


                One of the best-attended speeches at the forum was that of Liu He, a member of China’s ruling Politburo, who promoted the Belt and Road initiative, also known as One Belt, One Road. Participants here said the Chinese initiative was already rivaling more established, traditionally American-led, international institutions.

                论坛听众最多的其中一场演讲是中央政治局委员刘鹤〖,他借此推『销一带一路倡议。在场者表示,中国的倡议已经堪比许多美国领∑ 导的传统国际机构。

                “The China One Belt, One Road is going to be the new W.T.O. — like it or not,” said Joe Kaeser, the chief executive of Siemens, the German industrial giant, referring to the World Trade Organization.


                Belt and Road takes its name from the idea that Beijing is spreading its influence along the ancient Silk Road that once linked imperial China to the Roman Empire and to the medieval Europe of Marco Polo. But that was not the only push to extend its presence abroad that Beijing was trying to showcase.


                On Friday, the Chinese government used a policy document issued in Beijing to call for a “Polar Silk Road” that would link China to Europe and the Atlantic via a shipping route past the melting Arctic ice cap.


                Belt and Road has been a centerpiece of the foreign policy of President Xi Jinping, and his promises of a “China Dream” of restoring his nation to past greatness. Unveiled in Kazakhstan in 2013, Belt and Road started as a plan to revive economic, investment and diplomatic links across Central Asia.

                一带一路是习近平外交政策⌒ 的核心,他还承诺用“中国梦”复兴民族■过去的辉煌。一带一路倡议,2013年在哈萨克斯坦揭开,计划〗复兴与中亚地区经济、投资和外交联系。

                The plan gradually extended to include the Mideast, Europe and eastern Africa, with Beijing promising hundreds of billions of dollars of investment in highways, rail lines, ports, power stations and other infrastructure, much of it through loans from Chinese state-owned banks.

                这□ 一计划拓展到中东、欧洲和东非,中国政府承诺投资数千亿美元,对公路、铁路、港口、电站和其他基础设施进◎行投资,多数资金来自中国的国有银行。

                Critics have been skeptical that projects bankrolled through the initiative will bury the recipients in debt and cause considerable environmental damage. It has also been criticized as an easy line of financing for authoritarian regimes. China says its projects will be environmentally and financially sound, and that it does not seek a say in how other countries are governed.


                While Davos was underway, China was making other efforts to stretch the geographical ambitions of its Belt and Road initiative even further. At a summit meeting for Latin American and Caribbean foreign ministers in Santiago, Chile, Foreign Minister Wang Yi of China called for close cooperation and participation by the region’s countries, although he stopped short of formally including them in the initiative.


                In Davos, President Temer of Brazil said that he was not concerned about the rising influence in South America of China, which has increased investments in his country and extended enormous loans to Venezuela and Ecuador.


                Venezuela has already proved unable to repay its creditors, which include Moscow and Beijing. The Russian government has used Venezuela’s overdue debts as a bargaining chip to win the right for Russian warships to visit Venezuelan ports.


                Mr. Temer said the debts should be seen as a financial issue, not a geopolitical one. “The major concern they have is to recover the loans they gave Venezuela, they want their payment,” he said in an interview. “This was actually quite explained in the meetings we have.”


                He also said that he was not worried by the strong Chinese interest in acquiring stakes in Brazil’s electrical distribution and other industries. “The U.S. invests as well in Brazil,” he said.


                National leaders seemed to vie with one another in Davos in calling for closer cooperation with China. Mr. Abbasi of Pakistan dismissed recent controversy in his country over whether China’s giant construction projects were compromising Pakistan’s sovereignty, its environment or its financial stability.


                “There is no major challenge we have not been able to resolve, and the sovereignty issues are very clear,” he said at a breakfast for business executives and the news media. He added that on financial and environmental issues relating to Belt and Road projects, “So far, I can tell you we are winning on both counts.”


                Chinese officials used Davos as another opportunity to speak out against protectionism, in what analysts have described as an effort to take advantage of global concerns about the Trump administration and its warnings that it would pursue a more aggressive trade policy.


                Beijing’s rhetoric comes despite the fact China has steep tariffs on a broad range of manufactured goods, including shoes and cars. China’s average tariffs on imports are actually triple those of the United States and double those of the European Union.


                However, China has zero tariffs on many raw materials that it has in only limited quantities at home, like iron ore. As a result, its stance has been particularly welcomed by countries like Chile that produce a lot of raw materials but relatively few factory goods.

                但中国对许多国内稀缺的原材料不征关税,例如铁矿。结果,智利等出产ξ 原材料却不出口什么工业品的国家对此很欢迎。

                “In this, we see a very big difference with the United States,” Foreign Minister Heraldo Mu?oz of Chile said calling China’s “vision of openness and its rejection of protectionism very welcome.”



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