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                发布时间:2018-03-22 来源:语贤翻译

                The rain gods had been smiling the whole night. The roads were muddy and the potholes were filled to the brim.  It was the day for the market and Raju the farmer was riding his cart along the country road. He had to reach the market early so that he can sell his hay. It was very difficult for the horses to drag the load through the deep mud. On his journey suddenly the wheels of the horse cart sank into the mire.

                雨,下了一整夜。坑坑洼洼♂的道路被雨水填满了。今天是⊙个赶集的日子,农夫正沿着乡间小路赶着马车前行。他必须尽早赶@ 到集市,以便卖掉他▽的草料。马儿们在︻泥泞的道路上艰难的前行。突然间,马车轮子陷入了泥泞之中。

                The more the horses pulled, the deeper the wheel sank.  Raju climbed down from his seat and stood beside his cart. He searched all around but could not find anyone around to help him.  Cursing his bad luck, he looked dejected and defeated. He didn’t make the slightest effort to get down on the wheel and lift it up by himself. Instead he started cursing his luck for what happened. Looking up at the sky, he started shouting at God, “I am so unlucky! Why has this happened to me? Oh God, come down to help me.”


                After a long wait, God finally appeared before Raju. He asked Raju, “Do you think you can move the chariot by simply looking at it and whining about it? Nobody will help you unless you make some effort to help yourself. Did you try to get the wheel out of the pothole by yourself? Get up and put your shoulder to wheel and you will soon find the way out.”


                Raju was ashamed of himself. He bent down and put his shoulder to the wheel and urged on the horses. In no time the wheel was out of the mire. Raju learnt his lesson. He thanked God and carried on his journey happily.






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