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                发布时间:2017-10-15 来源:中国网

                2015年5月8日,中国国务院正式印发《中国制造2025》,成为中国实施制造强国战略第一个十年的行动@ 纲领。文件中透露,"中国制造2025"的总体思路是,坚持走中国特色新型工业化道路,以促进制造业创新发展为主题,以加快新一代信息技术与制造业深度融合为主线,以推进智能制造为主攻方向,强化工业基础能力,提高综合集〓成水平,完善多层次◢人才体系,实现中国制造业由大变强的历史跨越。


                On May 8, 2015, China's State Council unveiled its first 10-year national plan for transforming China's manufacturing, entitled "Made in China 2025". The plan is designed to put China on a new path to industrialization, with greater emphasis on innovation, expanded use of new-generation information technology, intelligent manufacturing, consolidation of the industrial base, integration of industrial processes and systems, and a robust multilayer talent development structure. Measures taken in this respect will facilitate China's transformation from a manufacturing giant with a focus on quantity to one with a qualitative edge.

                Specifically, the ten-year plan envisions the successful completion by 2020 of the process of basic industrialization, further consolidating China's position as a manufacturing power house that increasingly relies on cutting-edge information technology. It also foresees a significant leap in China's overall manufacturing capability by 2025, characterized by markedly reinforced innovative ability, greatly improved overall productivity, and a new level of integration of industrial processes and information technology.

                The implementation of the plan will expand the scope for cooperation between China and the rest of the world in a joint effort to propel new progress in the global manufacturing sector.


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